It's been one heck of a week, for both me and my boyfriend. Over the past year we have learned what we could out how to help each other cope and deal with emotional and stressful situations but nothing could have prepared us for this week. It all started at my cousins wedding, it was a beautiful wedding filled with family and friends really made me wish for that kind of happiness and love the day I too get married. However the wedding had an open bar, and my mother gladly indulged and soon was very honest about what she thought of my boyfriend. Se had always said how nice he was and how handsome he was before, but now she was making comments about the racial difference between us and she wasn't letting go. Comments such as "Well at least when you get married we can tell the families apart, how ironic you are sitting next to an interracial couple, etc." and it kept going all night. I let it go, she wouldn't remember saying any of it and would deny it anyways but I still was annoyed.

Next was finding my birth mother, well sort of finding her. I received more information from the agency as they normally call around this time of year to ask me to attend an adopted kid party thing. With the information and a quick google search I found out the woman who I had always hoped and dreamed of meeting was a drug addicted, twice married, old people beating, thief. Which took a lot of time to process, and in fact I mostly just tried to ignore all of it and continue on in my life

Then the final blow, my boyfriend made a bad investment which lost him all of his money. We both know he is capable of making it back but unfortunately I just payed for my tuition and books so I only have 400 in my account. He still lives with his mom but she is useless, doesn't work, doesn't pay bills, refuses to go anywhere alone, there is nothing wrong with her she just simply relies on him to take care of her and do all household chores as well.

I hate having to deal with my emotional stuff by myself, but I don't want to worry him any further. I wish there was some way for me to be more supportive of him but he's so much stronger then I am and is taking it all in stride. We are dealing with it the best we can, and still continue to talk when we have the time.