Only recently I kinda discover the world of mug-cakes. It's quick to make (like 2 minutes) and you can basicly have differnt cake

What you need?

1 tbs flour
1tbs sugar
1/4 ts baking powder

1 egg
1 tbs of oil


You mix dry ingredients then add wet, mix together in a wide mug and put in microwave for about 1,5 minutes (you have to check that on your particular microwave)

What you get is basic, spongecake-like cake that tastes HEAVENLY with vanila Ice-cream.

The great things about it that you can turn this base into anything you want.

add 1ts cocoa - chocolate cake
fruits - fruit cake
itbs cream + 1/2 tbs flour - something bit more cupcake wise

That's things I figured out and tried, but I leave some links to other, more interesting mug-cakes recipes

BOLD mug cakes 1
BOLD mug cakes 2

mug chocolate chip cookie