It's 14 days to close the distance, I am basically packed, the first "shipment" of my stuff left yesterday, the second one will leave just before me.

I have only basic things left, After speaking with family friend who is also a paediatrician I feel a bit more at ease regarding Oilvia though I am still stressed as all hell.

And today someone asked me for an informal translation, and I'm glad they did because it turned out to be scam. (And I really hope this person believes me as they know close to none of english)

I am on edge and yelling at my kido, not know what to do and feel generaly like crap. The weather doesn't help, it' either below zero or over ten.

Moving out is so final, everyone treat this whole thing way more seriously than my move to IRL and I'm glad. But it makes me more scared XD

I can't wait to see Adam again though I imagine I'm being way more bitchy and unplesant recently. I love him so much.