That's something that I heard from my SO yesterday. It was a joke but it rings so true. The moment you can smell your SO, you know they are just a human XD

Only three weeks has passed since I moved in, still no job in sight, my bloodpressure is going wonky and I keep being so happy.
I had my first bike ride, in like three years, on tuesday and am still in pain.
We are getting along so nicely, argue only a bit, spend evenings together, sometimes watching movies, other time playing our games, always find time to talk to each other.

I also learned, (after three years) that Adam has "camel eyelashes" as in amazingly long, thick and almost covering his eyes. I don't know how he can see anything.

I am settling in, had a bit of a breakdown missing Oliwia but it's better now I start feeling more at place with every day, and nothing beats living on the sea side ^^