I'm not sure what's gotten into me, lately, but I hope it lasts! I don't know if it's the World Cup 2014 excitement, and all the fun we are having with it, or that we are getting along so well lately, or that we are actually talking about meeting, talking seriously. I guess a blend of all of it is making me feel happy and relaxed, and yet excited, too.

When we met online 4 years ago, I had no idea what we were getting into, or that it would grow as it has, but here we are 4 years later, another World Cup! It's sort of an anniversary celebration for us, in a way, and so exciting that this time, the US beat Ghana. World Cup 2010 was my introduction to soccer, and then, a bit later, to AFL, which is much different than American football. It turns out that one of the perks of an International LDR is that my horizons have broadened considerably, I have new interests and pastimes, a new outlook on life, global events and politics, and a wonderful guy who makes it all fun.

Since I stopped pushing and pressuring him, and demanding more time with him, we are getting along better, and he is finding more time for us. And he is really surprising me lately, how much more open he is to the idea of eventually getting together, and meeting each other. Just last week, he brought up the idea himself, and really surprised me, because he said he wants to come to the US. We talked a bit about it, and decided, so far, that Las Vegas sounds like a good place for us to meet and spend a holiday together. He said we can't do it this year, but just maybe it's doable after he retires next year. It's worth thinking, talking, and dreaming about it anyway. I told him it's something we need to work on together. And I feel like I can start making some definite plans of my own, too. That is exciting!

It's funny, although things are still up in the air, I don't feel like we are in limbo so much now. I feel more hopeful, too.