Times have been hard with me and Adam. When I look back on how far we've come in our relationship makes me proud. I've always thought it was a strange coincidence that ever since I was 6, I loved Koalas and was always mysteriously drawn to Australia. Now I don't know why, maybe it's because I would meet my love less than 10 years later, or maybe it's just a coincidence. I believe that he is "The One." I think when going into this relationship, I didn't know what I was signing myself up for. I was with him purely because I like him. Well that likeness towards him has blossomed into a beautiful love story. I am so thankful that he's in my life, and if I could go back, I wouldn't change anything. Even though we may be years away from us starting our lives together and closing the distance, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to remind myself that we're closer than we were when going into this relationship and this long journey will all be worth it in the end.
