I missed my SO more than ever this weekend. It was the fourth of july and the view from my aunt's house is the best-I'm just saying. Anyway it was bitter sweet because every firework that went up into the sky was saying congrats you made it to 12 months. Now only a few weeks more till the 29th. I'm excited I made it past 11 months. Its not my number because in 8th grade my bf dumped be during our 11 month stretch. So it use to wreck that holiday for me...not anymore. I love my SO so much and I was looking at bridal magazines with my cousins because both of them are engaged and it was a sweet reminder of whats to come. *crossing my fingers*, call me a dork but I love looking at those magazines. I already have a dress style I love. The cake. Venue. And other little things so I'm all set if he should pop the question. Just saying.