Once again I must write from within my heart. I really want my boyfriend to step up and make the flight over here to see me in August. He has been trying to get away with October and thats a crazy month for me because fall quarter will be in full swing I'm taking 3 courses and if he comes to visit I will be busy doing homework and studying and it wouldn't be fair to him if he came over and I have to go to school everyday till 3 and then come home tired and not wanting to do anything. When he visits I want it to be in August or some time when I have a break from college which isn't often. And my summer class ends in August so I would have time before fall starts. We could go out and do fun stuff. If he comes when the new school year starts its going to be crazy. And I know he will get mad that he flew all the way over just to see me do my work and study most of the time. The only free time in the fall will be weekends for me. I just want him to come in August because it works, and he can get time off that month too. So I'm like why the hell do you want to come in October when you can come sooner, you know? I just want things to turn out. My mom keeps telling me if he loves me he will come. And I know he loves me as much as I love him so why isn't he here yet???