Hi everyone, I have been with my amazing "SO" for a year and 3 months now. We have both gotten to the adjust of being in a LDR and we are still very loving and have a strong and deep connection to each other. Anyways, we have also gotten to the point where we are talking about ending the distance and being in the same town/state/country. I am on the NW side of the usa and he's in England. He visited me over the summer and he loves it here and my guy friends like him and he made some good connections. Now he wants me to visit him and I will soon-but, he said to me he wants to move over here and we would start our lives together...But now he's hesitant because like me he doesn't want to leave his family & friends. So right now we are stuck-I'm considering moving there for the summer only because I am wanting to stay in school and get my academic life taken care of. As in get out of community college and he knows that. School is my top priority but he's a big part of my life too. It's split between school and him. And with him he finished at a community college and did auto tech. He's been working at KFC for a year now and hates it. I just don't know what to do because I am thinking about moving there for the summer maybe a little longer but I feel like if I say no to moving there he will A) Be sad/upset at me B) Break up with me which would devaste me because he's my world. or C) be mad-I just feel so selfish saying come over here to be with me and live here. I only say that because in all reality it's easier for him to stay here than it is for me to stay there. And he can leave his job and get a better one here. IDK-I'm so confused and not knowing what to do. Stuck.
I will visit and see what I think but at this point I don't want to move.. But should I? IDK