My sister and I are 7 years apart I am 20 and she's 27. She's a University of Wash. graduate and soon to be a University of TX graduate getting her MBA. She has done teach for America and speaks fluent spanish and blah blah her resume is long and now she is going to intern for some business in Chicago. While me on the other hand sailed through high school not in the AP classes like my sister but I did what normal students do in high school and I am a community college which is embarrassing and my sister loves to rub it in my face. Just the last couple days have showed me I would NEVER want to live with her and our relationships as sisters as far as being close and all is slim to none. She may be older and wiser but she isn't always and somedays I feel like the older one. I just feel we couldn't even be friends because she barely even knows me and doesn't even get a chance to get to know me on that level. We are like strangers sometimes. Its sad and I know it kills my parents because they are sad about it but I have been trying to years to get along with her and all my attempts failed. Now she tries by asking me to move in with her which I know will not work. If she wants to try improving our relationship she needs to get to know me, and from where I stand she's not going to even try. I can tell.