My sister has come around. She went to town for awhile and hung out with her friends and went snowboarding and when she came home actually before she called to apologize for what happened earlier between us. It was the first time she came forward to say sorry instead of me going to say sorry first. It was the first time in awhile I could see she was changing or trying to come forward and say she wanted to work on our relationship. I really have a respect for her. I love my sister but I admit we dont get along all the time but thats life correction thats family. Sometimes you may not always get along but in the end of the day its family and my sister is always there for me and she always has my back and I have hers. Instead of always ranting about her from now on I will simply keep my head up and move on and from now on I will seriously work on improving my relationship with my sister. My new years resolution is to be closer to my sister. I may not say this often but I care deeply care for my sister, and I love her a lot I may not show it in reality but in my heart I always think that. I hope this next year we can both become closer. Cross your fingers because I am turning over a new leaf if you will.