First before I start my random midnight poem I wanted to break the news...Jonny got me a promise ring for Xmas I helped him pick it out and after he sent it we decided it would be an idea to make it a promise to be engaged ring. Its so beautiful and I don't like to take it off because my finger feels so bare without it. Its a sweet simple ring tatium steel and it says love going around it and the O is a heart. I love it and him so much.

I wish I could go over there for New Years even if that meant just going for a couple days I would hop on that 9 hr flight to go see him. I would. My mom and I watched Funny Girl tonight so hense the title its my favorite number. It inspired me to write a little blog since I haven't in awhile.

PS- My sister and I are improving slowly but surely I am seeing it with my own eyes.