So I thought I would start this new blog off right for the new year I will make my bucket list for all your enjoyments. Since you all have supported me and commented my blogs giving me advice I appreciate it so much. Im so glad I have met every single one of you. So here it goes.

1. Go to a hollywood movie premiere *im talking about celebrities the whole bang*
2. Get married and start a family
3. Get a tattoo
4. Go to France and other parts of Europe (my backpacking adventure)
5. Get one of my photos in an art gallery
6. Meet a celebrity preferably Reese Witherspoon, Amanda Bynes, Mike Myers, Zac Efron or Jesse McCartney. (i know it should be under number 1 but I forgot)
7. Paint a mural on a wall (any wall)
8. Get my nose pierced
9. Finish my book I'm writing
10. Ride a Zebra
11. Audition for a NYC broadway musical for a dancer or singer part
12. Live Happily Ever After

I know what your thinking random list. I know it has room for improvement and the celebrity list is way larger than that but I didn't want to list all of them. But thats my list and say what you want Heres looking at you 2011. Ta da! Hope you guys liked it.