Yes you read right for my spring break Im going to hopefully go over to England to see my SO. It would only be for a week or so but I will take what I can get. It would be so wonderful to see him and it would be good for us to have another visit. Then he would come over for the summer after my spring quarter ends. I thought New Years would be the perfect time to blog about my possible trip coming up. I would leave near the end of march depending on whenever I can take my finals early which I probably will be able to do if I can sway my teachers decision. Im a teachers pet by heart so that shouldn't be too hard lol. So thats whats going on as far as the visitation road goes.

--Side Note--
He just makes me so happy like even though we are so far away we love each other more and more each day. Yes it's been ups and downs a few times we rarely fight and we both want to end up together and getting married. I love him so much more than words can express. Shakespeare couldn't even write poetry that compares to how happy he makes me. Fills my life with joy people who surrond him love me and accept us which I am so grateful for as do the people who surrond me. We both have great people like family members and friends who both help us out and cheer us on. Our love is strong and as this year passes I feel it growing even stronger. I really thought after my first love I would never love again and for years I held on putting walls up infront of my heart protecting it. He made it past all those walls and taught me to not be afraid that he will take care of me and I can take care of him. I really trust him with all my heart and he's that missing piece of my heart that I have been searching for all my life. Hes the one for me the guy I have been dreaming about since I was little. I just love being in love with my SO.