Here is whats going on currently I got a message in my inbox when I got home from school today that read "Hey I'm sorry i just got a bit nervous of living over seas, i ain't leaving u, I love u alot" I just don't know what to take from that. Yes I know he's nervous but he made it clear he doesn't want to move. He flip flops alot like Silviar said in my last blog and I mean Im glad he's not leaving me but after what happened I went to school feeling so scared/sad that when I returned home and video chatted with him that he was going to end things. I guess my big concern now is what if this happens again that almost uncertainty where he leaves me hanging on an almost broken heart. I don't know if I can go the rest of the year without some sort of compromise because right now everything is up in the air. I don't know why he acted the way he did but now I am confused/lost and not knowing where to go from here. Yes we are still together but what do I do now? How can I act fine when really I am confused. Should I tell him how I feel? Should we just go on like none of this ever happend? Should I wait till the end of the year and talk to him. It was funny coming out class I was actually thinking "okay me if he does break up with me I can do this I can move on" I started crying just thinking about moving on. I mean yes things would b easier but I dont want to second guess myself. Where do we go from here? An almost break up moment to back to normal?