Hey guys thats a split heart at the top.
Its funny because I am handling the breakup well.
Im not completely hurt.
I just feel empty and lonely.
A lot lonely.
I went out with a guy friend to lunch and a movie,
and it was nice to forget my problems for a couple hours.
Yet the moment I got home the loneliness hit.
I think its because around this time I would be skyping with him.
He sent another facebook message saying we could be friends but our relationship had no spark left in it according to him and also his friend didn't talk him into breaking up with me because it was his decision.
I have decided to come out strong from all this.
In fact I have a date next Wend.
Or I am calling it a date. Because I like the guy.
I dont know it's weird being single again I am not use to it.
Thanks for all your guys support and love.
You all are so wonderful!
I will keep blogging.
I wish you all the best of luck in your relationships.
Apparently all the faith in mine ran out :/