Instead of staying mad at my x-bf like I was at the beginning I am choosing to look at this with a good out-look yes I ended the relationship where I thought he was "the one" and my family and his family got along and his family adored me it was a perfect relationship but I was blind to his needs. Moving on he taught me something that instead of being afraid to trust who ever I date and just hope for the best because in the end when you dont have feelings and you end it with the person you feel safe. Thats how it use to be for me I was the dumper now I let him dump me it hurts but at least I learned from all this. For that I am grateful not to him but just for what I learned by being with him. Yes I miss him but I am not hurt and oddly I am doing well for being so attached to him. I think it's because I was getting tired of the same old routine and nothing changing. Now things are changing and B is winning my heart I am even going on a date with B on wend. So I am really excited to see how that goes on the next couple dates. He's so sweet and I could go on and on about B he's so right for me. I will find my next "the one" as they say third time's the charm. Maybe the third love is the magic one.

(Ive been through his his name was Caleb) The first loves your head over heels for and so into that when it ends your devastated and crushed and it takes you months to recover then.

(Jonathan) The second loves you get so attached to that when it ends you feel loneliness and emptiness and not so much hurt because you have already been through it once before. So its like only parts of your heart come undone but with time will re-heal.

(B?!) The third loves are the magic. Fun. New. Exciting ones. Maybe the third love is the one you are truly meant to be with. I think the third time truly is the charm. At least for me...Cross your fingers for me.