Yes I have closed the chapter that was Jonny in my life and I am moving on to better people in my hometown who have been here for me during post break up as well as all of you on this site so once again I thank you for that from the heart. I have now began to start writing a new chapter for B (yes I decided J and I would be best as friend since we have been for years and we are like brother and sister in a sense.) Anyway this week I have a first date with B my story with him is romantic...
So in 8th grade I went to a friends birthday party where I met B and fell head over heels for him but he liked my best friend and they dated and we stopped talking because we had been talking up until they started dating. They dated in 9th grade then we lost contact when I entered college last year I met a friend and she invited me to out of town and said that me, her and a guy friend of hers was coming and she showed me him on facebook and I realized it was B. I added him and we started talking and when I saw him the day we went out on the town with my friend the old sparks came back and we both knew we had feelings for each other. (I was with Jonny) Then this year when Jonny broke up with me he was there for me as he always had been since we got reunited and now we are closer than ever. Im so glad we got together again because all through hs I missed him. We went to different high schools but I think its fate and now look I am going a first date with him! Im so nervous but soo excited! Ahh! Hes so sweet and much better for me than x could ever be. He leaves me comments daily on facebook telling me to have a good day and such and aw Im falling back in love with him! I will take things slow and go on multiple dates.