So my X and I currently are not speaking for a couple weeks because A) we have nothing to say to each other and B) because hes begging me to go back to him and I dont want to..And I dont know how to let him down easily. I am in love with someone else. I feel like I am going to rush it and I dont want to because yes I have only been on one date with him but I have known him for a long time. B and I have something special and a strong connection. We both admitted to each other via msn that we are falling in love with each other then I said I love you. He logged off and hasn't been on...I feel so bad like I rushed and then he logged on saying his computer froze which is normal for Pc's lol but anyway he said I am not rushing it and that it was ok.But he wanted to say i love you in person to me. Hes a romantic guy and a poet. Im falling hard for the guy and I cant wait for our second date. When we were talking on the phone last night he said "I really want to be with you, like long term, I want to introduce you to my family and everything." I told him I wanted him to meet my family as well. And if your wondering yes we did kiss on our date. It was amazing!! So many sparks and wow I cant even describe it...So you could say I am doing well.