Hes a cancer I am a libra. And this is an update blog we have gone out twice since my last blog. He picked me up from school after my class and took me back to my car (which was at the mall and we cuddled in his car and talked for hours) and didn't talk we kissed and it was amazing. Then last night he and one of my friends went out for pizza when he got off work. So it was nice my friends adore him as do I and I cant wait to meet his friends and his dad. He lives and hour from me so its not bad the only disadvantage we are trying to find a halfway meeting point. We havent found one yet. Because theres nothing out in the middle of where we want to meet. But other than that things with me and B are great! I am really happy although most ppl are saying to me "J broke up with you and your moving on already?" And I say "yes because with B its a long time coming and he makes me happy."
On the X side of things he and I arent speaking to eachother and tahts fine with me. He wasnt the guy I thought he was and thats fine. He went about the break up the wrong way I was the mature one and he acted like a 16 year old. So Its fine I am so over that relationship and moved on.