So my mom is still making me feel bad about the whole my x breaking up with me. She is like "you dated for a year I dont get how you can jump into something new right after" and I reply "well B makes me really happy and hes always been there for me." And she goes "I know but just for now keep things on the down low with you and B, especially on facebook." --so I knew she had been facebook stalking me I said "why?" and she goes "because imagine if you were Jonny you have a guy in your life and he doesn't have a girl in his life. How would you feel if you were him seeing your main picture with B? Just think about that because your being mean to him." --when in reality I am not being mean to Jonny. Hes the one that stopped talking to me after I was civil this whole time. I feel like my mom is blaming for the whole ordeal when he broke up with me. Not the other way around! She's acting as if I did all this. I don't know what to do but she's been doing this since he left me. Its not my fault, and if it is. I dont know what I did wrong...Its not like he gave me a good explanation. You dont dump someone to see how much they love and when you come crawling back and expect them to still love you-your wrong. Or Jonny was wrong he said mean things to me and then he says oh I didn't mean any of that.
Enough of my ranting. I have been avoiding going home right after classes since I know at least once a day she will mention it. Shes making me feel like crap. I know she misses him and she felt like we were gonna get married-but I mean I thought that too. Its a big let down. And I miss him sometimes but ugh. Does anyone have any advice?