I was out getting a pedicure and over heard a lady telling one of the people doing her nails about her daughter and her fiance. Her introduction to the short but sweet story was "yeah she saw him and he saw her and they fell in love." The reason I bring up this not because I was eves- dropping but because when I saw B I fell in love with him. I held it in until we lost contact at the end of 9th grade year due to going to different schools and such. But last year when we were re connected and became friends that love for him came back. B has had my heart for years and I just hadn't realized it. B and I have gone on 4 dates so far and each have been so much more special then the next. Since he works on Valentines Day the day before, Sunday we are going to the next city over to a out door mall to spend the day there and go out to dinner. We are both really looking forward to it. And I have a funny little story it's cute but at first I wasn't going to tell him--but earlier in the week my mom had told me not to get heated with B and that I wasn't on birth control anymore and to be careful because the women in our family get pregnanted easily. When I told him this he smiled and looked at me and said "well I guess thats a good fact that you can get pregnant easily" we both laughed it off but he later told me he'd be happy to marry me someday and have kids with me. So I learned one thing from our date today that he's a potential husband. I know that our relationship is new but I feel like I have known B all throughout high school even though I just knew him 3 years total including last year. He and I have a special connection like I have mentioned in previous blogs. But I cant wait to see where our relationship goes from here, I can say this I hope he's the one I settle down with. Wish me luck!