UGH! Like I have stated before my mom is so not on my side. I blocked J, got rid of pictures, got everything that remind me of him out of my life and yet he still stick around-in what form? My mother she still likes him after all that he has done to me and he sugar coats everything for her saying he wanted me to have someone closer anyway and stuff like that. To make matters worse my mom tells me oh J loves you I liked J and he told me he wants you back and I think you two should get back together. ZOMG! It makes me sick that he and my mother are still talking and being friends. I dont know what to do whenever she brings him up I feel nauseous. He makes me sick.Why won't she accept the fact I am happy with B? And he and I are in love and I have eased J from my life. Aren't mothers suppose to be on their daughters side and not the enemy side? I need some advice because I have told my mom hey its awkward your still friends with him and she goes why I like J. UGHH, I know where this is going to go he's going to convince my mom for us to be together again. Then she's gona guilt trip me or something. I have a bad feeling about all this. J said he was gone from my life he didn't want to talk to me again yet he is through my mother? Correct me if I am wrong but that is soo wrong on soo many levels.