If I was still with my X, I wouldn't have known how close of a connection I really have with B. If i was still with my X, I would be un-happy and still unsure of so many things in our relationship. There's so many if's but I have learned what truly matters is how strong I came out from all this. I thought by now I'd still be grieving about my X and how much I miss him. Now that I know truly what kind of person he is, even if all those last blogs hadn't happend I still wouldn't look back. I always had a thing for B since I first met him. When I was falling away from the break up he held my hand and comforted me. He was there when I didn't need friends, he was there when I knew my relationship was on the downfall he understood. I owe B so much. He has my heart. We have been on 5 dates and our big one is on Sunday for Valentines day. I can't wait <3 I really love him it's past the point of re bound, lust or puppy love. He's amazing. I cant even express him without using chique words. My parents met him tonight and they adore him! So I am really happy. My dad even said "B, it was nice meeting you hope to see you again soon." --He has never said that to any of my previous bfs even my X when he left.
My favorite moment with him so far was when I was in target with him and we were walking around with our ice creams and he did that thing like in the notebook with the ice cream to the face and kissing it off it was so cute! He makes me so happy!
We are doing great me and B <3