I am starting to think about that part in Blue Crush where the main guy (Im forgetting his name) asks Ann-Marie what she wants, and she goes off on what her goals/dreams are. Remember? Well if you dont my point is I have been thinking about what I want. And What I Want Is...

1. To have my parents stop criticizing different things I do, such as school (my class choices and how long its taking me to get my degree and be at a community college), my weight issues, and just my life in general.

2. To just know that everything will turn out ok. I will graduate next year on time from my third year at community college *which is embarrassing enough* And that I won't be there a 4th year. And that taking a year off after next year is a good thing to do.

3. Id love to work (have a first job) at David's Bridal but any bridal store would work. Or a jewelry store-I dont know why weddings call to me so much. Its something I have loved since I was a little girl. Its a burning passion I have...

4. Id love to finally move out and be on my own!! Get my tattoo, nose pierced or whatever. Just to be free in a sense. I love my parents but I want out.

5. I want to marry B eventually and settle down and be the mother of his children. He is my knight in shining armor.We have talked about getting engaged but maybe before next summer. Who knows right? *crossing my finger*

6. The last number on the list is...I just want to have a good future for myself.To make enough money to get by and have a decent place to live in a good neighborhood. Near a body of water. I have lived on the bay my whole life I cant abandon my love for the water. (I think in a past life I was a mermaid.)

7. I almost forgot. I want my parents to stay in washington and stop thinking about moving to Florida to settle down in retirement. They have a house just for the winter but my sister *whom I dislike* assures me that once the grandmas die they will leave the state. That stresses me out a lot because even though I fight and get mad at them a lot I care and love them a lot. Id feel abandoned. And lost. Even though I have friends and some family around it would still hurt.

But yes those are 7 things constantly on my mind. A lot of stuff huh? What do you guys think? I hope I have a good future ahead and I might not make as much as my golden star sister but I will make enough to become a sliver star child. After all I want kids and she's more focused on business. I dont get where I was going with that but I could use some insight from you all. So please leave me some comments....