As it is my first blog, I think a mini-introduction is needed! I'm Belle, I am a voice student, I love stargazing and medium-length walks on the beach (they're primarily rocky here, so your feet get tired!)... I met my geeky man when I was auditioning for an "honor" choir. While eating lunch, I saw a stranger wearing a marriage equality T-shirt, and immediately felt the need to abandon my friend and give the guy a hug. Unfortunately I didn't have the same amount of confidence later, had a poor audition, and was stuck in an unfamiliar place, looking for directions to the transit station. That same stranger saw me looking sad and confused, we got to talking, and that's where the ball started rolling!

Tonight I get to see my beau at last! I was supposed to yesterday, but due to weather and an unexpected responsibility of his cropping up, it was postponed. Thankfully only a day!

Today he is recording some tracks for an upcoming album. I don't know many details - he provides vocals, guitar, and/or lyrics to several groups and artists - but I hope I get to hear some takes while I'm visiting! (Oh, I should I have mentioned, we're both music nerds LOL!) I have also heard a rumor that his folksy group has a new song about ME, and I'm getting very high-school-girl about it...can't wait to hear it! Unless it's titled "crazy's back in town," in which case I'll pass.

Since I have the day to myself, I plan on going shopping and having a little fun. I'm familiar with the area, so (in theory) I can't get into too much trouble! First on the agenda is visiting a mutual friend of ours - he'll be working, but I'm hoping to "borrow" him for a coffee on his break. He works at a cafe, though, so maybe not coffee... After that I want to find something to wear tonight...spicy if I can find the right store, if not, just something pretty and new.

This isn't the first time of seeing each other after being apart, but I'm most excited this time! I don't know what the plan is for tonight. (Probably not a rumble.) I want to fit as much as I can into our time together, but I am most excited to fall asleep in his arms, in his bed. Though there are a few things I want to do first.

Well, I should probably get going so that I can catch my friend for lunch. Thanks for reading! Sorry that the fact I am NOT an English major is blatantly obvious, but props to any that understood my West Side Story references. I can't help myself sometimes.