Last night, my most recent, most serious, "THE" ex's sister showed up on my Pinterest feed. I was curious, so I looked at their Facebook profiles, long since removed from my "friends" list. I couldn't see much, of course. For a few minutes, I just reminisced about the relationship I had with not only the son, but his wonderful mother and sister as well...

It was an LDR and we originally met online, similar to many experiences people have had here. We had big dreams, big plans, and while our "puppy love" made fun-house mirrors of our futures, they never would have matched up. I couldn't see it at the time, but we were essentially playing house: saying and doing what we believed a couple madly in love, though separated by 1800 miles, would say and do. I sent the perfume-laced letters (daily), he mailed the framed pictures, we bought the plane tickets. We said "I love you" (almost immediately, I admit), had names of endearment used in every text message or phone call, play-argued about who was cuter.

He was a few years older and his sister was my age, so we built a friendship and, only half jokingly, planned on being each other's bridesmaids. His mother adored me and we had much in common - I still firmly believe that she will be the greatest mother-in-law a girl could ask for. We sent each other messages of support or general gossip, swapped clothing ideas and recipes. The rest of his family accepted me whole-heartedly, too. They expected, even encouraged, wedding bells and my moving cross-country within the near future. It was wonderful, and, from the outside, the whole operation looked gingerbread-house perfect.

It was anything but perfect, of course. We were highly dysfunctional. I had become codependent and scared of the outside world. At some point, a flip was switched that kicked off a marathon of fighting. After the better part of a year, I realized that being torn to shreds by the person saying they loved me - crying for hours each night, trying to appease him - attempting to explain to my friends and family why I never visited or spoke to them (he banned me from it) - none of it was anywhere near "right." So, finally, I left him, and my ties to everyone related to him, behind.

I kept a single letter, a single picture, and a single gift. I still have his address memorized (writing it hundreds of times will do that do you), but I will never use it again, if it's even current. Our anniversary would have been this coming Saturday...

Obviously, with an ending such as that, I can't say I MISS any part of the relationship. However, I am thankful: I appreciate a lot more. Plus, it has made THIS long (though short in comparison) distance relationship infinitely easier. For the first time, I am IN love. I am in an adult relationship. (Okay, I bought stickers for my guy the other day, but that silliness aside...) My SO is supportive, and loving, and understanding; he lets me do my own thing and encourages me to try whatever it is I have my eye on. He became my best friend before we brought it further, rather than choosing me as a "suitable candidate for a wife." We want the same things in the future. We have similar views and values. I miss him more than anything, more than I ever missed the man I saw (in person) less frequently. We took things slowly and now, I can honestly say, I am the happiest I have been in my life.

I am happy I stumbled upon the ex and spent some time visiting those memories - even the still-tender, angry ones. I think sometimes we need reminders of how fortunate we are, or how lucky we are that we are where we find ourselves: be it by fate, happy accidents, or a long series of mistakes, wrong turns, and an empty gas tank that brought us here.

I hope you all have had wonderful weekends. I haven't spoken to my SO much, so now, I think I will call him and tell him how wonderful he is. Then I will speak to my mother, perhaps, and a friend or two...I'm all verklempt.