I apologize for this being scattered, but coherent thoughts have escaped me recently (I'm blaming it on all the assignments I have to finish really soon!).

I have been trying to hide what awful days I've been having - sounds healthy, I know - because heaven knows nothing terrible has happened. I've been rallying myself - not much school left before break, not much longer before I see my favorite people in the world...

For example, the other morning was real shit, so I stripped naked before showering and decided...to dance! I cranked up some music and just bopped around by myself for the heck of it. For whatever reason it was a serious confidence booster. I highly recommend it.

I can't say I have ever been sad AND randy (does anyone else say that? ) before. I think I just want some intimacy and closeness, but...wow! My SO won't know what hit him.

Speaking of, May is fast approaching. Only three weeks and change until my weekend visit. I've been doing pretty well about eating; exercise hasn't been happening AS much as I'd hoped. I'm going to chalk that up to busyness, though I know it's a copout. Maybe I'll "reward" myself with new shoes for the visit...shoot! I already got some. (To be fair, they're adorable.)

Lake cabin idea has kind of been abandoned...so I guess that's a no go. I'm a little bummed, but maybe we can take the money we'll save and do something else fun!

Well, the frozen yogurt I've been good about avoiding is making a desperate plea at me from the freezer. I must decide its fate or throw on some sneakers... Hope you're all having a fabulous day - and that it's warm wherever you are, because I'm tired of WINTER. (It feels like Game of Thrones here, at least, weatherwise.)