I just need to write some things down, I think - I don't have a bunch of friends to chat to about this, and there is a lot going on in my head. So this is way TMI.

I need intimacy. I had a super low libido when on my birth control and other hormones, but since quitting them I a.) feel SO much better, and b.) want sex. My SO hasn't known me to be a sex crazy chick, and it has definitely thrown him for a loop. Unfortunately, I am also a major scaredy-cat with tons of negative triggers and I feel broken and a little worthless. (I know this is ridiculous, I do; however, that doesn't keep me from feeling it.)

My SO has been so very sweet about the whole thing: going at my pace (or slower), being careful and understanding. He is pretty low key (or comes off that way; maybe it is him adjusting to me) when it comes to wanting sex. He is happy just to have intimacy in conversation or cuddling. I like that too, but...

He has terrible self esteem regarding his weight... I have been there, really. My weight and attitude has fluctuated from not eating to eating terribly. I am at a pretty happy medium now, just need to tone up some more. I still get touchy about food, so I do understand where he is coming from and he knows that (or claims to). He is heavier. Not obese, but he does carry extra weight. I have never cared - he is beautiful, wonderful, and I find him sexy! I have always tried to be as supportive as I can in him getting healthier, because I know I expect the same, and I want him to be happy. This insecurity is stabbing my wannabe sex life in the throat, though.

He doesn't like me touching him much recently. We will get a little closer sometimes and start to go somewhere: sometimes it ends in me "giving" something - which I love to do and feel comfortable with - or me crying because something on my end is going wrong. I get scared easily, things tend to hurt, maybe because I'm failing to relax...or, I wonder, if it is because of something medical.

I am scared to go to a GYN - 'what if something IS wrong?' That's an awful way to go about thinking of things! I have never had an STD test, for example, and wonder if I should. I don't imagine I would be positive, but the idea of it frightens me beyond logical explanation. I know I NEED to go. I need to do something about this. I need to get over my embarrassment. I need to get over all of my fears: I feel such a wuss.

Ugh, I just don't know what to do with all of this. Writing kind of helped, and equally slapped me in the face with everything. (I truly hope I wasn't too icky, I tried to edit myself - I could probably ramble and cry some more for a good long while).

I should get to sleep though.....it's almost midnight and I have a lot to do tomorrow. My SO is wiser and went to bed already, suppose I could join him.