I'm had a pretty bad week. Nothing seems to have gone right for me at all.

Work has been hell, one of my colleagues passed away yesterday so that makes it worse. Home has been okay, apart from me getting annoyed at everything my sister is doing. Just hearing her eat is pissing me off.

I missed getting it by a car by centimeters when the ass decided to speed across a red light when me and a women and her 2 year old son where about to cross the road.

All I've wanted to do this week is talk with my boyfriend but he's either been sleeping or not really in the mood to chat or I've been working. We had the perfect opportunity to chat today, it's now gone 11pm and we still haven't talked. I just want to hear his voice, it always manages to make my day better.

I also managed to disappoint both my parents today when I told them (even though it wasn't the first time that I had mentioned it) that I was going to go ahead and purchase my plane tickets for the second visit to my boyfriend for a 7 1/2 week stay and a few weeks before the trip I'm going to resign from my job.

My dad called me stupid and immature and my mum blanked me. I've thought this through for a couple of months. It's probably going to be the last time I get to see my boyfriend for 1/2 years and I know that's nothing to some couples, I really don't know how they an be so strong, I can barely cope with waiting 6 months.

I have the funds for the trip, during the trip I'm staying with my boyfriend, who is about to move back in with his mum, and I've been told that I'm not allowed to pay for food or gas and everything so I won't have to spend so much money. I've been desperate to get out of my current job, and I know how difficult it's going to be to find another when I get back from the trip.

I can see it from my parents point of view, I really can. But in my opinion I'm 21 years old, I want to make a new start with a new career. Seeing my boyfriend for an amazing amount of time and coming back to that seems like a good opportunity.

I just hope the coming weeks get better. It needs too