Sitting here listening to music, realising I have 2 months until I can see Mikey again. I'm so lonely by myself. I've noticed this time around things are different.

When we first started talking we were giddy. We all go through it, madly in love in that little honeymoon phase. Before the first visit things where amazing. Then we met and the entire trip was fantastic, it was such an adventure. I turned 21 the day I arrived in the US and I got to spend 4 weeks with my man, I came home a week before Christmas and it was heartbreaking leaving him at the airport. He cried and had to walk away when I got into the security line, I turned around to find him and I think if he had still been there I would have gone back. I cried on the plane home

I miss him so so much now, things are harder than they have ever been but we are pushing on through. We don't physically hear each other much anymore, went from everyday to maybe once a week but we keep up with the messaging. It makes it bearable.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I come back home the next time, I don't know if I can go 6 months or longer between a visit. It's only been 4 months so far and it's harder than I could have imagined. He's tried to give me an out, several times, but I just wouldn't take it. He means so much to me and even though this distance is really hard now, I'm doing my best to focus on that end result.

I haven't done any research into what it takes to move to the US, he asked me to wait until after this years visit, so here I am, waiting.

I feel a bit better for having written this, I don't even care if it gets read. Mikey isn't feeling very well today and I'm feeling super lonely. I hope others are having better times.