It's kind of weird having the truth all laid out. You feel a little naked and icky - especially after a year of constructing the biggest lie you've ever told. But, wow! HUGE. Relief.

Firstly, Eric wanted me to tell my mother about us as soon as I could. He didn't want us to be kept a secret anymore. Also, I was tired of lying. It's exhausting maintaining the false-you and the real-you. I had to fabricate a second life just to do what I did. Big mistake.

Even more worrying, the pressure was affecting our relationship. I didn't realize until after. As the lies got bigger and more numerous, it kept me from just enjoying our time together. I knew I was holding myself back (which I didn't do at the start of our relationship) and it was frustrating. Being honest about my life gave me the freedom to be honest about myself again.

Definitely learned a lesson there. Don't know if the truth needed to come out within one 5 minute phone call...but nevertheless, I feel great about being honest again.