Finances! Rawr! Between school tuition and $600-700 trips a couple times a year, my savings account has managed to dwindle down to nothing. His mom was on his case last night about how he's paying off student loans now and that he's not going to be able to afford me at christmas...I really, truly like that woman but I don't appreciate being seen as a drain on him.

The plan is to get a part-time job (on top of being a full-time physics student .-.). Student jobs get taken up fast around here, so I've got a slightly unconventional option in mind. Working at the Love Shop - aka. sex store. Okay, there are two possible reactions you probably just had - 1. That's a shady-ass job, CanadianGirl... 2. That sounds AWESOME. And I like reaction # 2. It sounds way more entertaining than putting up with snotty teenage girls in a clothing store annnd, from what I've seen, the lady at the cash is sitting around half the time (time that I could use to get some school work done). It's a nice, clean shop. Spacey and tons of interesting...merchandise. Also, there's the added bonus of having hilarious stories after work about what shenanigans went down with awkward customers. Also, would be fun for our relationship, me being an expert in sex novelties and getting an employee discount there.

My SOs interested in how I'd handle customer questions (and I am too..). The very first time I went in a sex shop, it was with my SO. I had such a case of the giggles and nerves. I've gone in a couple times on my own, and the first time was TERRIFYING. My mouth was going dry, I was shaking when I handed over the money, could barely look the woman in the eye..I was most certain that she was judging me. But now, I just waltz right in there and don't even get carded! I think I am qualified. I love to help people, very approachable and non-threatening (I mean, look at that face ->). Yup, I'd hire me.

I also think reaction #1 is unfounded. When you think about it, it's a saintly gig. You have to be able to show complete strangers understanding and acceptance. Embracing your sexual desires is all part of the human experience and it's healthy and necessary to enjoy it ...but yeah, not telling mother about this one. Handed in a resume and a smile a week ago, and will be following up with a call this Monday.

I want this job. I waaaannnt it. So, here I am. Hopeful physicist and desperate young adult, seriously gunning after a job at a sex shop, among dildos and blow-up dolls. Life is so strange..

-Also, my honey's birthday today! Happy birthday teddy bear!!