I was with my AmericanBoy for two weeks near the end of April and it was our best visit yet. We pretty much smoothed out all the kinks that come with living together and everything just felt kind of perfect . Our next visit was tentatively planned to be for the entire month of August, like we did last year. Mostly due to financial reasons, we've recently cancelled it.. Our next visit will have to be in December, over the winter holidays. Upside, I'll be 21 by then (!!), downside, it's 7 months away.. If I'm here for August, I can also attend my best friend's birthday bash, finish learning to drive, get a temp job and spend time with family, but it's not much condolence. We've done a 5 1/2 month wait before and we survived just fine, so I'm completely confident we can handle this. It's just going to suck, that's all.

There's a much bigger problem though. Since we cancelled that visit, and I've started my third year of college, I cannot stop thinking about the future. By the end of this summer, I WILL have a definitive plan for the next 5 years. I need to. The constant thinking/planning/worrying cycle is wearing me out, mostly because I keep having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night..to think some goddamn more. It's going to be less easier once Eric's got a

Absolutely gutted me I can handle the time apart, but the cancelling of that trip got me really thinking about closing the distance. I've got two more years of undergrad ahead of me and it's the time to plan for grad school. I cannot stop thinking about the future now. It's torturous right now, since Eric is still working on his future plans (currently working but aiming for grad school). There's so much uncertainty. Should his plan influence what school I decide on?