I've been so busy, I've rarely gotten to go on LFAD in the last few months and I'm going to get busier still..

Our next visit, since the last one in April (!), is coming up in December. I'm turning 21 next week, so we're going to make this visit extra fun After finals, I'm headed to San Diego for about two weeks and we're going to take a vacation inside a vacation and head to Vegas! And we're catching a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert on new year's eve!!

I've always associated the chili's with southern california, and after being there with AmericanBoy, they just took on a whole new meaning. Every time I hear them, closing my eyes instantly takes me to Cali and it feels like he's right there. The tickets were EXPENSIVE but the venue is intimate and fancy. I have my SO, an iconic band, on new year's eve, IN VEGAS. It's going to be surreal..

Also, I've got a very good feeling the SO's got a ring for me. Well, I know, because he's told me. I'm 95% sure he's going to pop the question along with it.. He's been itching to do it for a while. I'm going to be barely 21 (and the SO's turned 25 today! ), but we won't be closing the distance for at least 2-3 more years, so I think the timing is perfect.

And the best piece of news, AmericanBoy seems to have his mind set on moving to Canada. He wants to move across the country to be with me. Somebody pinch me.. I mean, we've always been serious about each other, but hearing the words is still mind-blowing.

We might actually be pulling off this long distance thing.. I'm so freaking glad I was bored that one night and went on Omegle .