I will just tell him here, and no one tell him about it, ok?!

I have complete confidence in you and your ability to get things done. I know I am an over-anxious, over-planning person sometimes.
-I would really appreciate it if you could start to work on getting passport... Once your passport is done you can get your visa... Once your visa is done you can fly to see me for the best week of our lives thus far! I miss you sooooooo much!

Hopefully all this did not make me sound like a terrible person!
I love lists and planning, and apparently he just does things a little differently. (Who would've guessed guys and girls were different?) hahaha

I know he is going to make it all happen, I am just so anxious to see him that I want everything taken care of ASAP so as to avoid any problems that could come up make his visit impossible... I'm a worrier lol

Enough said Thanks for reading!