So. There is a SLIGHT chance that instead of just visiting for 3 weeks in February, my SO will be moving to China!
There is a position opening at my school that month, and he has been having a terrible time with his job situation in the States so I set up a meeting to ask the director of our school about the possibility of my SO teaching here.
He told me that he will talk to the owner of the school about visa issues and get back with me on that.

I am so hopeful! And so angry at myself for being so hopeful because it could all just result in a big NO.
But I can't help being kind of excited. That would be so cool! He could live near me here. We could see each other often. I could show him random things here. We could go exploring without him worrying about me because he is not here to protect me. We could travel on our school breaks. We could save money for when we get married next year. (I wanted to just do it here, but my parents said not without them being here... This could be their incentive to come for a visit??? )

So anyways... I'm sorry to ramble but I'm so emotional and excited and hopeful and trying not to be any of those things and expect the worst all at once.

We shall see...