So maybe some of you remember my saying it was possible that my SO would be able to move to China and possibly close the distance?
Well, as cool as that would have been, it's not going to happen.
My school said that they needed a teacher to start in February and it would have been perfect. He just needed to come and teach a few trial classes and it would all be good. Then they said they would start him out at half salary, then go up as they added more classes. He was ok with that as at least we would be together, and we'd just hope things picked up soon. He called yesterday with a question and they said the school has been over-budget for the past two months and with the teachers who are quitting we will just make budget and so they are not looking to hire him now. They offered to let him teach still and then if a position opened later he could come back... Umm... No.
So, I'm kind of pissed at my school. Just because I feel like they were shady. Don't lie to me. Ever. I can handle the truth a million times better than lying to me to make me feel better. Why would you make us hope for something that we couldn't have? Dumb, I think.

Anyways, he will be here in less than two weeks!!! We will have almost 3 weeks together! And then he will go home to work like mad so we can get married, and I will finish my contract here.

Things will be fine, and I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited for his visit!