So, my SO is coming to visit this week. That is good.

We were talking about his visit though, and he was finally completely honest with me about some things.

Earlier this year he sold his Jeep. Apparently it was so he would be able to afford this trip. He had a job that bottomed out and was therefore unemployed for about a few months despite desperately applying for any and al jobs. During this time he ran out of money, and at some times had no food. He was so down and depressed, but never let on how bad things were because he didn't want my help. (stupid ego...)
Anyways, I'm just now realizing that a lot of the terrible things he went through a few months ago were "because" of me. He had no money because he put it all on a ticket to see me. It makes me feel special, but it also makes me feel so crappy because I realize that is why he had so much hardship for those months. I could honestly cry just thinking about it.
My SO is super private so no one else knew how badly he was struggling with things. Just me. And I didn't do anything to help because I didn't know/understand.
I'm the worst girlfriend ever.