Not with my family, but with my SO's. (my future family!!!)

My SO's sister left the states for Guatemala this past Monday. She is 22-23(?) and she had been to Guatemala last summer on a church trip.
While she was there she met a guatamalan man. She had never dated before and apparently was swept off her feet. She came back and was staying in contact with this man.
My SO's mom found the ticket in his sisters room a few weeks ago, but no one could talk her out of leaving. This man had previously tried to get her to send him thousands of dollars to hire a coyote to sneak him across the border.
So now her family is worried for her safety and also angry that she could do something so foolish after getting so much advice.

I just worry and pray that she will be ok.
Sorry for this being random but I just had to get it out somewhere