Well, as my power is out, and so is my SO's Internet, I guess I have time to blog

Ok, where to start...
As some of you know my SO was injured by a tree limb at work three weeks ago and is still on bed rest. It all started on a Saturday morning. My SO works for a tree company and was called in to overtime that day. We were supposed to meet up to do a wedding registry, but as he had to work I was going to stay in bed as long as possible to try sleeping off a nasty cold I'd gotten. Suddenly my door is flung open and my sister says "your SO is in the hospital. He got hit by a branch at work." I guess they had been trying to call me but my phone was out of money until payday. So I threw on some clothes, borrowed my sisters phone-she put the hospital in Maps so I could find it- and took off. I made it to the hospital in record time (30 mins) to find out it was the wrong branch of the hospital. 30 mins later I was at the right hospital, finally breaking down in tears as I spent the last 20 minutes one mile from the hospital on a one lane expressway that was completely stopped. I broke down because I was trying so hard to get to him and he didn't know it! He would just know I wasn't there or him yet. I finally made it to the ER.
The ER experience was TERRIBLE. He had a head injury, over a dozen staples and more stitches to hold his head shut. After keeping him for two hours because he kept forgetting to breathe they sent him home. With blood dripping down the side of his head and him unable to walk. I had to ask them to bandage him so he wouldn't bleed all over himself in my car. I then had to ask for a wheelchair as he couldn't even sit up unassisted, much less walk. As we are leaving the nurse tells me he will be a little sore and he shouldn't drive for two days but then he will be fine.

3. Weeks. Later. My SO cannot drive. He can barely make it up a flight of stairs. He cannot walk without holding onto me or something else for balance. He is constantly having headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Watching him try to walk hurts my heart as he looks like an old man trying to support himself and not fall. We have been to many doctors who tell us this is normal. Obviously serious head injuries take time to heal. He could have died and I am so thankful to have him alive. I'm just so pissed at the ER. They were lazy and didn't want to have to watch him so they sent him home. I'm pissed at myself for not realizing how serious it was and demanding they keep him. I'm pissed at myself for every time I feel overwhelmed and frustrate with him because I could've lost him and he deserves better.
On a fun note: I've told my SO iF he is still needing help walking by our wedding, my dad can walk him down the aisle first he was not amused... Lol

*published from my phone. Sorry for any terrible spelling/grammar due to this*