So my husband's accident at work was almost 3 months ago. His employer said he would cover everything and pay for workman's comp for the bills because he didn't have anyone as a full-time employee so… no insurance.
So, super cool we won't have to worry about all the bills because his boss is going to take care of them.

Until the day we get back from our honeymoon, Mr. K's mom brings us over a huge stack of medical bills that came in the mail while we were gone.
Not one was paid for.
I'm getting stressed about it but leaving it up to my SO.
He hasn't contacted his boss yet and it is driving me crazy!
I tried talking with him about it today but that didn't go as well as I had hoped.
I have a bossy streak and apparently I went a little too far… :/

I just needed to rant somewhere where no one knows me so it shouldn't be able to cause any drama in my life

We are already running really low on money with bills and stuff as Mr. K can't go back to that job, and he is looking for a new job but is still unemployed… (I know lots of people are struggling with the same thing)

Adult life, ya know?

UPDATE: today I sat down with Mr. K and text his boss for him making sure he thought it sounded like him. And immediately his boss called him and they are working everything out. His boss is a really great guy just can be super intimidating... Thanks everyone for your support and Zeph for your encouraging kick in the butt speech breathing much easier now.