Lots of thoughts on my mind:

1. I finally got paid. Due to winter break/Christmas holiday/honeymoon I got barely any hours in and didn't get a paycheck until yesterday. So Mr. K and I are going grocery shopping today. I made a list last night, and I know he has a list, so this will be a wonderful game of compromise as I am trying to eat healthier and he is enjoying eating what he wants

2. Eating healthier. I'm heavy. I've gained at least 25 pounds since I came back from China in July. I am not comfortable in my body or my clothes. When I first came back from China I was thinner than I had ever been in my life. (I was low-mid 140's) I am not a small person, have never been, and will never be. My body is curvy and I just don't get small like some people. Anyways, everyone was trying to fatten me up, and I could stand to gain 5-10 pounds. I didn't realize that not walking 3+ miles a day to get anywhere and so much refined sugars and processed foods altogether were going to devastate my body. I realized I needed to lose weight too late when my wedding dress wouldn't close, but I honestly could not add LOSE WEIGHT to my life at that moment as losing weight stresses me terribly and with wedding stress and almost killed fiancé stress at that time, I couldn't do it. I waited until after our honeymoon (who wants to be a kill-joy on an all-inclusive, all-you-can-eat cruise? ) I need to make some changes, exercise consistently, and eat healthier for me. I talked to my sisters about all of us doing the 5k color run in June that is near us. This will be 1. crazy fun! and 2. a goal for me to get fit again and be healthier. Now that I got paid I am going to go register while I have the $35! *goes and does this now*

3. Mr. K. He is feeling really down about not having a job yet. He had a friend who was absolutely going to get him in at his company once we were back from our honeymoon, and now that guy says, "Well, I'll see if I can help you…" It pisses me off more than anything to see someone disappoint my family members. Disappoint me, I'lll live. Disappoint my family, and I want to ruin your life. (I'm over-protective sometimes) He is a full-time student, so he is not being a lazy bum. (Not implying that anyone unemployed, looking for work is a bum!) But he feels like my family will think bad of him. I personally don't want him taking another job that could injure his head. Not being protective mommy here, but I worry that if he takes another hit to the head so soon it could cause permanent damage.

4. My sister is getting married in July. I'm a little worried about money as I am in the wedding and must buy the dress and all the other stuff that goes with that. Not complaining as I'm really happy for her and it is family so I'm going to do it, but still, that is a small worry to me. I want to be a good bridesmaid and not a whiny one. So I've got to find ways to do things and help her without spending buckets of money.

5. Work. I have two part-time jobs. I am an English teacher at a community college, and I am an English tutor to children whose parents relocated to the US for a job. The second job requires LOTS of driving and I am so fed up with it with this weather. The added drive time is severely lowering my pay-per-time. They do not reimburse you for your driving time, they just pay you a higher per hour rate and it is supposed to cover all. Which it is generally ok except considering gas prices, time on the road, and wear and tear on the vehicle, it may not be as great of a job after all. But hey, at least it is a job. And I'm not quitting it until I find something better.

6. Babies. Everyone keeps asking me when we are having one. We just got married and started having sex. This does not mean I want to get knocked up right away. We are using, as Dzi said, hippie contraceptive. We use condoms when we are in the "danger zone" and besides that everything is great, barring some major accident. I know this happens to everyone that gets married, but it is bothering me especially because I am insecure about my weight right now and I really don't want to stretch out my body even more before I get a chance to get back in shape. Selfish? absolutely

7. Money. I'm not an awesome person with money, but I am trying to do better. My husband and I are fans of Dave Ramsey and his money principles. Some love him, some hate him, but what he says makes sense so I really want to try this and see where it goes. So that will make me become more disciplined with money.
7b. Money. We are living off of my income. Which is not a lot at the end of the day. I keep looking on craigslist and stuff for another job, but with the weird hours that my two part-time jobs have, I don't know of a good job that would work to fit in the hours I am free. I don't necessarily work A LOT of hours a week, but they are all over so… Also, these jobs are great experience and are going to look AWESOME on my resumé, so yea. But either Mr. K or I need to pick up some sort of work to add to the income.

8. Weather. Snow is beautiful, if I am cuddled up at home looking out the window. Any other encounter we have is hated. (Skiing is an exception here, but I haven't been in several years.) I am really tired of all the negative degree temps and snow as I have to drive all over every day for work and it's getting crazy and scary. I feel like I got lucky every time I make it home safely. How long will that last though?

I think that's all for now. I guess I'll come back with another blog or edit if I think of anything else. 28 minutes til I risk my life driving home. Then for some long cuddles with Mr. K and grocery shopping. Possibly not in that order as once we start cuddling I don't want to get up.

Hope everyone is having a good, snow-free day

Oh, I thought of #9
9. Valentine's day. Not a huge or special day in my book, but Mr. K has made each of them special for me, therefore I want to do something for him. With a limited budget and a hatred (my own) for stupid, unnecessary sentimental crap. His desk chair broke a year ago and since we are married he has to use a crappy kitchen chair to use his computer. So I want to get him an awesome, comfy computer chair, and I found, what looks like, a great one on craigslist for $25 bucks! So, I have to meet the guy this week, but if it works out I will win the Best Wife of the Month award lol

OH MY GOSH! This guy just came in and had me proofread a paper he wrote about his experience donating his kidney due to a FB post. The story went national and even inspired tons of other people to do it. The story was even covered by Anderson Cooper! My brush with fame for today. He was a super sweet kid with an awesome paper. It made coming to work in the storm totally worth it.

Ok. Now the end.