Happy!!! I am so glad we managed to buy the phone, two weeks after the original plan. We had to wait a day, though, because his mother think Wednesdays brings bad luck for decitions! That is not something you hear everyday... Still, I just take it to mean he respects her and I like that a lot in him.

Of course I was a bit naive thinking that his new phone means that we will have more privacy. For one thing, it is the new plaything of the house, so everyone wants to try it and use it. Secondly, he has not learnt all the fuctionas well yet, so there is a lot of trying this and that Still I feel that this will bring something new to us in the long haul, because;
- He will be able to Skype whenever
- He can take pictures with it!
- No more negotiations about which computer!
- He can Skype wherever...
- Facebook works really good

I'm so exited - that I just can't hide it. I will have to get myself a smartphone as well!