I have been back for 2 days, and I am SO not believing I did not go sooner (well, apart from bying his phone, and settling my bills... ). I will have to go/get visited soon again!

I loved EVERY MINUTE of it . Nothing ever went wrong, even the weather was good (it is rain season and rained before I went there, and after, but hardly anything in the 4 days! Even when it did rain it was after a long day at the beach and so on, and actually romantic; we just looked at each other, saying: "just like our first night together" (when it, true I swear, was a movie-worthy type of storm). He did everything for me, even payed for practically everything + his friends let me stay at their house, even lending us our own room! (he stays in the living room these monhts, to save money so he will afford to study). One night at at beach restaurant we skyped with my husband, and we started having a bit of "future" talk (not too much, we only had 4 days!).We were lazy together, took lots of pictures of us, went grocery shopping, cooked (haha we made the strongest pizza ever...our new joke is "the restaurant we will be starting"). He makes the BEST drinks and even climbed a lemon tree in the back yard to make me green-lemoned mohitos! So sweet... Plus he got to demonstrate how fit he is!

He, his friends & their friends had planned a surprise birthday party for me, to celebrate my birthday 1 month early, so when I got in the door I got decorated cakes (which I could not eat since I have gluten intolerace, but they were very pretty!) and GOOD Turkish food and white wine, and they were all really friendly. I understand almost nothing of Turkish (yet), and they speak not so much English, still I felt so very welcome by everyone (even though at 2 in the night I was glad when all not living there went home! I had only had alone time with him on the public bus by then). I brought Sweedish Vodka from the tax free shop and home made chokolate cookies as presents for his flat mates. I don't think they cared that much for the cookies (my boyfriend loved them though; we have similar taste in chocolate) but they loved the Vodka! I sure know what to bring next time too I brought my boyfriend a brown "Love knows no distance" bracelet and a home-made "52 reasons why I love you"-deck-of-cards that he really liked (I spent weeks making it!). For my birthday he had ordered a small photo picture carpet made from a photo I sent him, and I also got lots of nice sea shells and other beach things (he knows I like that). It is so nice to have more from him in my house.

It was lovely having so much time together, holding hands everywhere and this time not being that much of a tourist. Last I was in Turkey, I brought home lots of souvinirs (clothes, ear rings, cook book, post cards....) - this time, I brought home made food (several kilos of olives, olive oil and chili paste. And the mojito glasses, because he will make more drinks when he comes to visit (and he really lives in a bag so I think for him it is nice to collect stuff in my place). He talked about taking me to his home town some day, even mentioned which flights we would be taking to do so... And he called up his brother (who lives in his home town) JUST to brag about sitting there with me, and his brother welcomed me to Turkey.... He also says he wants me to befriend the wife of his friend (they live in my town), so that when he comes the 4 of us can have sort of a double date or something. Or maybe just so that I can se "what being married to a Turk is really like"....

We have talked about speeding up the time until his visit (we only have to make sure it is not to close to his exam next month). That will make it easier for the both of us, I guess, because then it is only about 1 month until next visit... But that leaves us in a hurry because he will have to get a "real" tourist visa (I only had to pay money) with an actuall application. Still I hope we can do it. I am so so so conviced we are meant to be (even though I do not even talk like that, but why would I spend all my time and money on someone living far away?). It is hard seeing him sad and confused, having a difficult time away from me now that we got used to being so close.

I have many thoughts about the future, thinking I want to visit often and maybe could be apply to become a student next year (starting after the end of his coming work season)? So many things I want. So easy to get carried away - or get at bit stonefaced from the overflow of emotions. He is so sweet. I just want to make him happy.