All of a suddenly it appeared to be that I have two problems that might find a common solution...

1. I need a place to write on my project
2. I want to see my boyfriend more

And my idea is that, if I present to my boss I want a "writing week " once a month, I might be able to shift hours around to enable me to spend 7-10 days in Turkey each month. That would mean going LD of sorts with my husband, too, but he said it I make sure it fits his work and other plans best possable, he might be ok with it. The flight is the same price. We already talked about me and bf renting a room together. And things like food and transport is way cheaper in Turkey, even in a relatively expensive city as the one bf works in.

Am I getting ahead of myself here? My original motivation was bf, but the more I think about it, the more I think it could benifit my Project, too.

It would be great to be able to spend more couple time and to get away to write...
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