So, everything stayed smooth sailing between the three of us. Especially those nights we stayed in the flat were nice. It was just SO started to ask questions about the future that really offended me. I am still not quite sure how to deal, but I think his worries are along these lines:
1. Lots of his workmates have been with or even are divorced from Norwegian women. How can we last with our extra complication?
2. There more he falls in love with me, the more involved we get, there more he fears to be rejected
3. He is afraid he will have to in the future choose between me and his mother...

Why is he getting all worked up? Well, change is in the air. Him and I DSC_0911.jpgwent flat searching. We looked at four flats. I guess we will go for the one with the beautiful, sunny balcony over a garden. I will spend at least one week a month with him. He wants this more than anything. And it scares him beyond words. He feels overwealmed by things happening so fast. We agreed not to talk about anything beyond this semester as of now. I am fine with that. I am pretty overwealmed myself! My husband is too.

His best male friend apart from family will be a father in September. The mother is a Norwegian girl who lives in my city. I don't know if they have any plans beyond him visiting for 3 months around the birth, but them getting married and him moving to Norway is not unlikly. They are "the love of the century ", according to my SO. And we are too, he says. In 19 days I will be back with him. So even if I miss him, it is very different. I will not even have time to make him books (ok, I might start on our cookbook). He will "make me exited " by fixing up everything with the flat, and getting me a bike there. This will be the start of something, I hope something good :-)