I don’t normally blog here but… I need a place to vent right now. I’m pretty upset about a few things going on:
Grad School
1) From day one it’s been one huge shit show after the other. We’re expected to be on time to places when they’ll send an email only 20 minutes before a meeting or a seminar is about to start. I don’t get all, the emails with assignment information from professors, for the longest time they didn’t have my name down correctly, I didn’t get the grade level mark required to pass the first qualifying statistics exam and therefore have to take it over BUT they won’t tell us the procedure to do so since so many of us fail (our program hasn’t required statistics UNTIL this year.) There are just communication problems throughout administration and I feel like I spend more time worried about the decisions being made than I am my school work. It’s getting to the point where I just want to drop out of this schools program and continue on at another school… but the reality is… all university admin is the same.
2) I cried at school. Like bawled on the floor of the women’s bathroom while my friend hugged me.

3) “Your mom likes it” A guy in my program in fact the only person that knows my mom passed away managed to include her in a yo mama joke. Thanks.

1) I’ve been with my British boy for over a year now after meeting him at London Dungeons. It’s been a year of awesomeness He’s the one who supported me in coming back to Canada to go to grad school and pretty much keeps me sane when all I want to do is pull out my weave and call it a day.
2) We’re looking into flat and put an offer in on one. I’m majorly excited about this. I’ve been choosing them, looking at them online, creeping them and making him go view them and take pictures. The first flat I found two weeks ago is actually the one we put an offer in on and it’s perfect. When I saw the pictures I immediately imagined a whole set up of me, my comfy sofa, my flat screen LCD TV and a bowl of popcorn with Netflix going and my SO moaning about watching another movie. Although I have picked out a few more places so.. hopefully if this doesn’t work we’ll just move on to the next one.
3) I have only six more weeks till I’m back in London! Woo hoo! Then I get two weeks of being with my SO and then back to the books.