So I'm not going to make a post about this, but I do want to share it with you other LFAD members, because it's so good to hear about the good and happy moments of our relationships.
So my boyfriend and a friend of ours have been staying with me from last Saturday to today and we had so much fun. It was amazing.
I had exams Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so the first days they did some sight seeing on their own. My boyfriend has been here a couple of times, so he showed our friend around, they visited a couple of museums in Frankfurt and had a look around my city. It was sort of stressful and I didn't like that I got to spend so little time with my boyfriend even though he was here But I had to prepare for the exams. It changed on Wednesday, though and we still had the best time together and since we've had our personal photographer with us, there are about a million (really good) photos of us together. Good times!

On Monday morning I woke up to the cutest, most thoughtful valentines day presents ever! He got me
- a set of heart earrings (matching the 'pre-engagement ring' he gave me before)
- a heart shaped pillow that says "Kocham Cie" (I love you in Polish)
- a super cute T-Shirt (I'll post photos)
and a piggy bank with kisses in it, when you shake it a certain way they fall out and I can draw one
There are kisses "forever" "to study" "for good luck" "sensual", etc etc

It's amazing how much thought he has given into it. I'm so incredibly lucky to have him <3

We had to say good-bye this morning It wasn't as bad as usually, though. First of all our friend was with us and I don't like crying in front of other people (well other people that I know, I don't mind the strangers at the airports/stations!) and secondly, much more important, we're seeing each other on Thursday!! Thanks to our awesome mums, he, his mum and her bf are coming to my family's place. He's finally meeting all my family and we're going to my grandpa's 80th birthday together.
After that it'll be 19 days until we see each other again (I'll have to write three papers) and then I'll stay with him for 5 weeks! <3