We're almost at the end of my super long visit. I came here March, 19th and I'm going home in 11 days. I already dread that day
I love being with my boyfriend. I love living in a real city (and in a real flat, not a make do dorm place with only half a kitchen). I love cooking for us. I love speaking Polish to everyone.
I don't like the weather, though. Firefox always shows me the weather forecast for my city and it does make me a bit ... not that I want to go back, but 18°C just seems a lot nicer than 6°C
We've made some really cool and exciting trips together. To a fort just outside his city, to a an abandoned palace, to another city (Poznan) and tomorrow we're going to Cracow with a few friends. The second night we're staying at a hostel-boat. Something I've never done before., so I'm really excited about that.
So everything's perfect so far.

Aand today I bought my ticket(s) for July. I'm a bit of a worrier and the price system of the German Railway company has made us planning freaks.
Soo I bought return tickets for July. I'm coming back 11/12. The thing is, my boyfriend will be doing an internship at the sea (in the very city I lived in for a year in 2007/8), so I'm going there. My return flight as a night's layover in his city, though. It was only 48€ so I bought it anyway. So I'll be staying with his parents for a night, cause my flight home is at 6:30 the next day.
I don't have tickets there yet, but I'm going by train and I can only buy the tickets in Germany. As I'm scared they will be more expensive when I get back, I've already sent my mum a mail and asked her to buy me the ticket!
I'm going to the sea for a week... in july! It's going to be warm!! And in a way to my old 'home'.

Just wanted to share my joy.
We're going to watch The Shining now (haha, god. That move scares the hell out of me, everytime I see it. And the book - don't get me started on it).